
Introducing Episode 1 of “Greater Than Avatars” with Matt D. Smith

4 min read
Sean Blanda
  •  May 7, 2019
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Being a product designer in 2019 is a bit of a catch-22. The industry is just that: an industry. One where we are measured by output, by “shipping”, and by putting ideas out into the world that change the lives of users and customers.

But being a designer is more than that. “Knowledge work” or “creative work” doesn’t stop when you leave the laptop. Personal lives bleed into work—and vice versa. It’s often impossible to determine where “work you” ends and “real life you” begins, or if they should even be two different personas.

That’s why InVision is proud to partner with designer and filmmaker Dann Petty for his new film series Greater Than Avatars. It’s a look at some of the most interesting and thoughtful voices in the design community—not about their work, but who they are when they aren’t tweeting, writing code, and creating products.

Matt D. Smith

During the next month, we’ll be featuring each of the first four Greater than Avatars episodes here on Inside Design. First up? Matt D. Smith, a teacher and product designer from Athens, Georgia. In this episode Matt discusses:

  • The fitness routine that keeps him creatively sharp
  • The routine that he follows each day
  • Why he takes wellness seriously
  • How Matt balances family and work

Watch the first episode below or on Dann Petty’s YouTube page.

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