
The practice of collaboratively generating ideas towards a shared goal, typically occurring prior to the beginning of a project.

Brainstorming includes activities that allow teams to make sure that a diverse set of perspectives are included and that all necessary business disciplines are represented.

Successful brainstorms tend to begin by reviewing goals to ensure alignment on the problem you’re seeking to solve.

What is a brainstorming?

Brainstorming is a beginning stage of planning where teams meet to inclusively discuss ideas. It is typically a productive time spent gathering information and everyone’s ideas before planning next steps for a project and/or problem being solved.

What does brainstorming do?

If you need to generate ideas quickly amongst a group, brainstorming is a productive way to do just that. Brainstorming also provides time to collaborate with your team and hear every voice out.

Start brainstorming with your team.

Now that you know, use that new knowledge and collaborate in real time on a digital whiteboard

Transformative collaboration for all the work you do