Making accessibility more approachable with personas

Mark Boyes-Smith


Alicia Crowther

Three Digital Consulting Ltd.

Picture for a moment, your entire website or product’s font is instantly changed to wingdings. It’s completely unusable and you’re saying to yourself, “⚐︎☟︎ ☠︎⚐︎!”

Truth is the current state of your web properties may present similar usability challenges to members of your audience.

Web accessibility has never been more achievable but with extensive guidelines, some teams may struggle to know where to start. Accessibility is a journey and the first step is to help teams find clarity and focus. One way to do this is through Accessibility Personas.

Join InVision’s Mark Boyes-Smith, Director of Product Design, and Three Digital Consulting Ltd.’s Alicia Crowther, Director of Research as they share their experience lowering the barrier to accessibility through personas. And stick around for the Q&A!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Take an action-oriented approach to accessibility
  • Identify an area of focus within the broader topic of accessibility
  • Create your own accessibility personas using our Freehand template

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