Build a Design System That Works

Rick Lippiett


Damien Gallagher


Alexandria DeRosa


Joe Stutzman


Rebecca Kerr


The business benefits are clearer than ever: Design systems can increase productivity by over 40% per project and save thousands to millions of dollars annually. Everyone from design teams to executives in the C-suite can see it.

What’s less clear is how to build a design system that will be used throughout the company, stay up to date with sustainable effort, and stand the test of time.

In this InVision Talk, Rebecca Kerr, InVision’s Principal Conversation & Content Strategist will sit with leaders from Which? and HostGator to share ideas for how you can build a design system that succeeds and lasts, including how to set expectations with key stakeholders and bring developers into the process earlier.

Join us to:

  • Discover how to start building your design system now with the resources you already have
  • Explore how Which? and HostGator used InVision Design System Manager to build and scale their design systems
  • Learn tips for design system governance, especially when resources and time are limited

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