Collaborative IQ: How storytelling drives confidence, ideation and debate

Vincent Brathwaite


Ekta Rohra Jafri


Collaboration has become a benchmark of success but isn’t always the easiest to spark within teams. How do you make sure the right people are involved, and that you’re  being inclusive to a breadth of skill sets and backgrounds? How can you transform unproductive meetings to visual collaboration sessions where everyone can contribute? How can you make sure the artifacts you create are accessible when tools and teams are fragmented?

Join Vincent Brathwaite for an engaging conversation with Ekta Rohra Jafri - Head of Design at Compass - that will explore the importance of storytelling within collaboration and the ways we choose to work together and move towards new ways of working.

You’ll come away with:

  • Building confidence within a team through immersive storytelling
  • Using your team’s story to create empathetic ideation and productive debate
  • Inspiration to help cross-functional and global teams navigate asynchronous collaboration

Collaborate in real time on a digital whiteboard