Goldman Sachs + InVision: Design Systems for Financial Services

Bianka McGovern

Goldman Sachs

Rebecca Kerr


Michael Craig

Goldman Sachs

The financial services industry poses unique challenges to product designers – extra regulations, the need to present data-heavy content in a friendly, responsive format, and as always, the need to differentiate from competitors with superb user experience. On top of that, design teams (and their partners in product and development) still have to deliver fast and iterate quickly.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the unique issues design system builders in FinServ face, using one design system as our example: the 3-year-old effort well underway at Goldman Sachs.

Join Bianka McGovern, Vice President of UX and Product, and Michael Craig, Creative Director as we discuss:

  • How Goldman Sachs started and now is scaling a sophisticated design system across the product portfolio.
  • How they addressed challenges unique to FinServ
  • How they link design and development workflows and language
  • And the how they plan to use theming to unify experiences

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