The superpowers of design tokens

Mark Boyes-Smith


Jess Paris


Pop quiz: who is a designer’s favorite superhero?

Is it Batman? Yawn. Maybe it’s Wonder Woman? Spiderman?! Be serious. The real answer has to be: Design tokens.

Join InVision’s Mark Boyes-Smith, Director of Product Design, and ServiceTitan’s Jess Paris, Senior Manager of Design Systems, Creative, and DesignOps as they explore the superpowers of design tokens and discuss how to get started. And stick around for the Q&A!

Just remember, with great power comes great design ability. That’s the quote, right?

You’ll learn more about:

  • How design tokens help designers and engineers work better together
  • Where to begin building your own design token library with help from our template
  • Supporting UI themes and modes with design tokens

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