InVision Talk series: Build a Successful Design System

InVision Talk: Design Systems Principles

Zoe Adelman


Laura Griffee


Nikole Wohlmacher


The creators of the NOLS design system will sit down with InVision DSM Implementation Specialist Zoe Adelman to explore the high-level principles behind strong design systems. Plus, the NOLS team will share a real-life example of a design system built with InVision DSM and how they got buy-in across the organization.

InVision Talk: Design Systems that Developers Love

Andre Hollist


Alexandra Clotfelter

Join InVision DSM Implementation Specialist Andre Hollist and Alexandra Clotfelter, Interactive Art Director and Senior UI/UX Designer at, for this developer-focused talk on how to get developers excited and on board with your design system for better designer-developer collaboration. And they’ll share insightful details around how to use design tokens, Inspect, and Storybook.

InVision Talk: Design Systems Governance 101

Zach Hauer


Donna Vitan

TELUS Digital

Andre Douglas

TELUS Digital

Join InVision DSM Implementation Manager Zach Hauer and an InVision customer as they dive into InVision DSM features like version control, change management, and naming conventions. They’ll share the key foundations to build into your design system, so you can scale the size, scope, and adoption of it over time.

InVision Talk: Design Systems Buy-In

Zoe Adelman


Join InVision DSM Implementation Specialist Zoe Adelman and an InVision customer for this in-depth talk on executive buy-in. They’ll walk through how to create a vision for your design system that executives and key partners can understand; plus, real-life talking points and tips to help you craft a successful design systems sales pitch around ROI, productivity, and business value.

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