DesignTalks: Careers

The rise of the DEO: Leadership by design

Maria Giudice


Leadership by design explores the intersection of creativity and business acumen, explaining how and why this unlikely coupling produces leaders most capable of solving our increasingly complex business problems. In the ever-increasingly complex and globally connected business world, creativity has become the number one driver of economic growth.

How to find the happy accidents that define your career

Leslie Witt


Bob Ross was right: there are no mistakes, only happy little accidents. At least that’s what Leslie Witt would say. Serendipity and coincidence led Leslie down a career path that included IDEO and her current position as VP of Design at Intuit.

The design career journey

Zaki Warfel

Zaki Warfel LLC

Have you just graduated and are embarking on your first job in design? Have you been in design for a while and you’re wondering what’s next? Have you ever asked yourself whether or not you should go into management?

How to build your personal brand as a freelance designer

Von Glitschka

Glitschka Studios

Many designers do not have an active design practice outside of their day job. But pursuing creativity outside your day-to-day work environment—plus sharing that work with others—will help you grow and thrive throughout your career.

Collaborate in real time on a digital whiteboard