Design tokens: Your single source of truth for scaling

Courtney Heffernan


Ehud Halberstam


Betty Liao


Design tokens––what are they? Some say they’re platform-agnostic variables that define your brand colors, text styles, spacing, and other property types. Others say they’re the key to scaling your design processes.

Both definitions are true. But do you know how to make the best use of design tokens so you can scale your design processes?

This webinar will cover everything you need to know about design tokens and how to implement them at scale, with a team.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create a common language based on visual attributes such as color, spacing, line height, elevation, and animation time for your design tokens
  • Execute a design tokens practice to centralize, transform, and create a pipeline to your applications’ code
  • Manage your design tokens using InVision DSM, including creating, organizing, and using the design tokens API

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