Coursera’s Bold Step to Evolve Its Design System

Emily Campbell


Geoff Shuller


Peter MacMillan


In 2019, the Coursera team expanded their design system beyond web-only learning to include mobile and partner experiences—and used the framework and best practices from InVision Design System Manager Enterprise to get it done.

Now they collaborate with development to build out React components in InVision DSM for faster build times and put new patterns into production (to phase out the old).

In this InVision Talk, Peter MacMillan and Geoff Schuller from Coursera join InVision’s Emily Campbell to discuss how they elevated Coursera’s design system with InVision DSM Enterprise.

Don’t miss the valuable chance to:

  • Hear their sustainable approach to paying down tech debt
  • Discuss the merits of building a design system on a templated platform (versus from scratch)
  • Explore how to use InVision DSM and Storybook as common ground for designers and developers

Secure your spot. And bring questions for us to answer during the live Q&A.

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