A Practical Approach to UX Research

Aarron Walter

Design Better Podcast

Gregg Bernstein

Vox Media

The job of user research is to help us be more certain in our work. Being more certain keeps us from building the wrong thing, and allows us to design and strategize with more accuracy. But sometimes being more certain means being pragmatic, less precious, and more practical. Not every project affords enough time or budget for proper research, and that’s okay. In this webinar, Gregg Bernstein, Senior Director of User Research for Vox Media (Vox.com, The Verge, Polygon, and more), will share how he’s scaling research to meet the needs of his product, editorial, and sales colleagues. He’ll walk through some common user research scenarios and questions, like how to get started when you don’t know where to start. This talk will cover:

  • Working closely with a support team
  • Being ok with rapid turnarounds
  • Embracing small samples
  • Balancing evaluative and generative research efforts

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