UI Kits

Habiit — Change your core components with the Habiit UI Kit by InVision

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Changing your habits is hard to do alone.

Especially when your mental energy fluctuates with each cup of coffee, your phone won’t stop buzzing, and some days your bed’s gravity seems awfully strong. The Habiit UI Kit helps you better understand when to practice those changes and reminds you to take action so you can succeed. It’s the accountability partner you always needed. This kit is designed to support you with...

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Data-driven change

With Habiit, make progress and take notes along the way, and use the dashboard to show you when you’re most likely to succeed—or fail. Setup reminders to take action when you’re most likely to follow through, and start making those big changes for a better you.

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Set your goals, and reach them

Habiit has screens to help create your own self-improvement goals. Maybe you want to try intermittent fasting? Starting a doodle journal? Whatever you want to change, Habiit has the screens to help make it happen.

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Designing for good

Set and make changes for a better you. Unlike other apps built around repeated use, Habiit is designed for self-improvement and to be used only when you need it. What positive goals will be at the center of your next design?

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Habits and good UI take time and dedication

And Habiit gives you a head start on both. The UI Kit has 27 screens designed to help build new habits, 227 components, and 47 new icons to fill out a great UI.

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Practice anywhere to affect real change

Possibilities for improvements are everywhere, not just in the comfort of your home or office. Habiit comes with screens for mobile, meaning you can work on building a better you anywhere you go.

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Changing is hard, but not Habiit’s look and feel

See an opportunity to make Habiit even better? Make the improvement once in the built-in component sheet and see it flourish everywhere instantly.

UI Kits

Habiit — Change your core components with the Habiit UI Kit by InVision

Download Habiit
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Build products you're proud of, with processes you love.