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Campaign brief template

Plan your next successful marketing campaign with the Campaign Brief template. 

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Plan your next successful marketing campaign

Marketing campaigns have many moving parts. A campaign brief lets you gather all of the information and materials — like goals, deliverables, messaging, and timeline — all in one place to ensure you and your team are on the same page.

Use this template to align on campaign objectives, deliverables, messaging, and timeline with your team and move forward with clarity.

How it works

Step 1: Establish a campaign DRI (Directly Responsible Individual).

Step 2: The DRI, individually or as a team, should fill out each section of this campaign brief worksheet with details of your campaign.

Step 3: Review the content with the larger team including stakeholders and cross-functional partners to get feedback and align on next steps.

Step 4: Set up regular status meetings to track against the established timeline and deliverables.

Step 5: Launch your campaign, and then use one of our retrospective templates to reflect back on the process and performance.

Use this template to plan your next marketing campaign and drive alignment with stakeholders.