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5 rules for managing knowledge workers in the age of burnout

It is incumbent upon the people who manage knowledge workers to do everything they can to limit burnout by fostering collaboration and eliminating stumbling blocks. InVision Chief Product Officer Jeff Chow tells us how.

Mar 18, 2022

Remote Innovation Doesn’t Have To Be An Oxymoron

InVision Chief Product Officer Jeff Chow discusses the three pillars of remote collaboration in this Forbes piece.

Mar 14, 2022

Why Inclusive Collaboration Is the Answer to a Company’s Most Existential Threats

InVision Chief Product Officer Jeff Chow discusses why companies can make real progress addressing deep-seated DEI issues by consciously building inclusive collaboration into the entire business.

Mar 9, 2022

Why We Can’t Anticipate Our Most Urgent Tech Problems

Our country’s “anticipation” problem is really a collaboration problem, explains Richard Banfield, VP of design transformation, in his latest column for Forbes.

Apr 7, 2021

The Metaverse Will Give Designers the Chance to Create a Better World

The metaverse describes a parallel virtual world where people play, work, learn, and socialize. InVision's Ben Goldman explores how designers will need to leverage research, collaboration, empathy, and user advocacy to ensure we design a new world that is fair and just.

Mar 12, 2021

6 Essential Podcasts for Product Designers

InVision's Design Better podcast ranks #1 as the best podcast for product designers to learn from experts in the field.

Mar 12, 2021

It’s time to start designing for the future

Human-centered design is transforming our homes, work environment, and public spaces. InVision SVP Product, Jeff Chow, shares his perspective on how InVision does its part by harnessing serendipity within our collaboration platform.

Mar 11, 2021

What Investors Need to Know about Research and Inspiration in the COVID-19 Era

Even after COVID, companies that thrive—or even simply survive—will be design-mature and digital-first, says Nili Metuki, InVision's senior director of research.

Feb 1, 2021

InVision’s ADPList Matches Laid-Off Designers with Mentors for Free

InVision's Design Forward Fund helped to found the Amazing Design People List, a new platform that matches more than 5,000 designers with mentors in a supportive, global community to help designers skill-up and advance their careers.

Feb 1, 2021

Accessible Design: Why And How To Make It A Priority In 2021

InVision's Richard Banfield, VP design transformation, explains why the accelerated adoption of digital experiences requires an investment in inclusive design systems, and a stronger cross-functional effort behind the scenes.

Jan 27, 2021